FCIA Fine Chocolate Glossary

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Chocolate, Craft

Often contrasted with “commodity chocolate,” craft chocolate is typically:

  • made in small batches;
  • from high-quality, traceable cocoa, where beans have been sourced for proper fermentation,
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Chocolate, Drinking

Drinking chocolate is chocolate designed to melt in warm water, milk, or alt-milk in order to make a rich chocolate beverage. “Drinking chocolate” may refer View Entry

Chocolate, Filled

Any product consisting of a shell or outer coating made with chocolate, with a filling which may be flavored or unflavored.

The filling can be View Entry

Chocolate, Fine

Fine chocolate is defined in terms of its flavor, texture, and appearance, as well as how its limited ingredients, high cocoa and low sugar content, View Entry

Chocolate, Molded

A chocolate product made using a mold to create a solid chocolate shell, whose shape ranges from regular (such as round or rectangular) to very View Entry

Chocolate, Sustainable

The level at which the supply chain, production, sale, and consumption of chocolate meets the needs of today, without compromising the ability to meet the View Entry


Chocolatiers are artisans who melt and temper chocolate couverture to re-form it into a bar, a bonbon, a confection, a truffle or another chocolate product. View Entry

Climate-Smart Agriculture

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a specific form of sustainable agricultural production. CSA believes in the importance of adapting agricultural techniques according to the pressures posed View Entry