Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a specific form of sustainable agricultural production. CSA believes in the importance of adapting agricultural techniques according to the pressures posed by climate change. CSA also aims to remove greenhouse gas emissions from production while still ensuring high annual yields.
Climate-smart cocoa (CSC) is produced using sustainable practices. A long term goal of CSC is to increase farm income and production on existing farmland by adapting to the impacts of climate change on weather and land quality.
For a further deep-dive into the definition, see Climate Smart Cocoa
Próximamente versión en español
Entry added: September 14, 2022
Verified on: September 14, 2023
Authored by
Christian Bunn, Scientist, Climate Action in Coffee and Cocoa
“Climate change and cocoa cultivation,” Bunn, Christian, Fabio Castro, Mark Lundy and Peter Läderach, Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, Burleigh Dodds, August 8, 2018
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